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little fox 【天文學】= Vulpecula.

little go

“ there ' ll be no end of trouble if we let them get away ! kill them all ! “ they killed two of the little foxes , but one of them escaped “讓它們跑了,以后會有很多麻煩的!把它們全殺了! ”伙計們殺死了兩只小(去掉“的” )狐貍,但是另一只卻逃走了。

Panda : “ you sure are a smart little fox . ok , we shall vote for you to be the king now . ( all raises signs of ( ) . by the way , where are you from 小熊貓: “小狐貍果然很聰明,好,我們讓你做大王了(大家舉起(牌子) ,對了,你是哪里來的啊? ”

The following is a short skit performed by students from the huntington chinese program . the skit is based on a traditional chinese story about a smart little fox 接下來的節目是從中國成語《狐假虎威》改編,表演者是亨廷頓中文學校學生。

“ there ' ll be no end of trouble if we let them get away ! kill them all ! “ they killed two of the little foxes , but one of them escaped “要是讓它們跑了,以后會有很多麻煩的!把它們全殺了! “伙計們殺死了兩只小狐貍,但是另一只卻逃走了。

“ oh , “ said the little fox , “ well , we needn ' t learn these disgracing and venturesome tricks if we try to be honest persons , is it right ? “噢, “小狐貍說, “那么,做個正直的人不就用不著去學這些丟人,冒險的本領了嗎? ”

Introduction : cute little fox had the flexibility to skip obstacles oh - refueling operations guide : mouse control on the matata 可愛的小狐貍一路靈活地跳過障礙加油哦! !操作指南:鼠標控制就ok啦

“ catch the foxes for us , the little foxes that are ruining the vineyards , while our vineyards are in blossom . 歌2 : 15要給我們擒拿狐貍、就是毀壞葡萄園的小狐貍因為我們的葡萄正在開花。

Cute little fox had the flexibility to skip obstacles oh - refueling operations guide : mouse control on the matata 可愛的小狐貍一路靈活地跳過障礙加油哦! !操作指南:鼠標控制就ok啦

Catch the foxes for us , the little foxes , that ruin the vineyards while our vineyards are in blossom 15要給我們擒拿狐貍,就是毀壞葡萄園的小狐貍;因為我們的葡萄園正在開花。

[ bbe ] take for us the foxes , the little foxes , which do damage to the vines ; our vines have young grapes 要給我們擒拿狐貍,就是毀壞葡萄園的小狐貍。因為我們的葡萄正在開花。

Catch for us the foxes , the little foxes that ruin the vineyards , our vineyards that are in bloom 15要給我們擒拿狐貍,就是毀壞葡萄園的小狐貍。因為我們的葡萄正在開花。

Take for us the foxes , the little foxes , which do damage to the vines ; our vines have young grapes 要給我們擒拿狐貍,就是毀壞葡萄園的小狐貍。因為我們的葡萄正在開花。

Take us the foxes , the little foxes , that spoil the vines : for our vines have tender grapes 15要給我們擒拿狐貍,就是毀壞葡萄園的小狐貍。因為我們的葡萄正在開花。

Catch a fox on the feathers , good poor little fox operations guide : ! maniac point fox began plucking 捉住狐貍就拔毛,好可憐的小狐貍操作指南:狂點狐貍開始拔毛!

In comes a little fox , with a balloon which has the words “ fresh air for sale ” on it 來了一只小狐貍,手里拿一氣球,上書“出售新鮮空氣” 。

With the help of the clerk in the ticket office , the little fox at last enters the cinema 在售票處工作人員的幫助下,小狐貍終于進了電影院。

In the summer , father fox and mother fox took little fox for a walk every evening 夏天時,狐貍爸爸還有狐貍媽媽每天傍晚都帶著小狐貍去散步。

It shows you are a , cunning little fox , and nobody will put faith in you any more 這表明你是一個狡猾的小狐貍,沒有人會再信任你啦! ”

Good - bye , little fox 再見,小狐貍